

Bone broth is a beneficial food for people recuperating from surgery, illness, child-birth, leaky gut and autoimmune conditions.  Bone broth is easy to digest, nutrient dense, rich in flavor and has been in our ancestor’s diet for thousands of years.  Bone broth comes in the form of fish, lamb, beef, or chicken. Our ancestors used all the parts of an animal to prepare the bone broth such as marrows, inedible bones, tough meat, knuckles, tendons, feet and skin. The bones and the ligaments release helpful healing compounds, including glycine, calcium, silicon, collagen, phosphorus, proline, glutamine, cartilage, sulfur chondroitin, and marrow which are all beneficial to your health.                        


Benefits of bone broth


Heals a leaky gut

The gelatin in bone broth contains amino acids, that help protect and heal the mucosal lining of the digestive tract as well as help nutrients digest properly. Gelatin in bone broth also contains glycine, glutamine, arginine, and proline. Healing leaky gut can resolve health problems related to food intolerance and allergies.


Fights infections including colds and flu

A study published in the journal Chest shows that eating chicken soup during an infection help reduces the amount of white blood cells, which are the cells known to cause cold and flu symptoms.


Reduces inflammation and joint pain

Bone broth contains glucosamine which stimulates the growth of new collagen, reduces inflammation and joint pain as well as repair damaged joints.


Produces healthy hair, nails and skin

Glycine in bone broth prevents protein tissue breakdown, and helps detoxify the body of chemicals. The collagen in bone broth improves hair growth and makes your nails strong.


Improves bone formation, growth and repair 

Bone broth contains minerals which repairs your bones and keeps them strong such as, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.


Help fights inflammation

Bone broth is known to be very high in the anti-inflammatory amino acids glycine as well as proline.


Help reduces cellulite

Consuming collagen-rich bone broth may reduce cellulite or tighten your skin to make you look younger.


Bone Broth is an excellent source of several essential acids listed below which have the following health benefits.



  • Helps regenerate heal joints, cartilage
  • Makes skin more supple and lower cellulite
  • Repairs leaky gut
  • Anti-inflammatory



  • Helps protects gut lining
  • Metabolic fuel for cells in small intestine
  • Improves muscle-building and metabolism



  • Necessary wound healing and immune system
  • Needed for release and production of growth hormone
  • Regenerate damaged liver cells
  • Needed for sperm production



  • Breakdowns protein tissue such as muscle
  • Can be used in making glutathione and bile salts
  • Detoxify the body of chemicals
  • Necessary for DNA and RNA synthesis.
  • It is used for the production of glutathione, for blood sugar regulation and digestion (though bile salt regulation)



One Reply to “The Healing Properties of Bone Broth”

  1. IMHO you’ve got the right anwesr!

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